Categoria: professional services

professional services

  • Gemini



    Music and Arts

    Gemini Music and Arts was born to help creativity become alive and real, because imagining is not just a game of the mind.

    Gemini is a young label. And, like all young people, it is free.

    Free to walk in her preferred direction, free not to follow the fashions of the moment, free to choose only the music that she really likes.

    Gemini chooses her artists with the same freedom. Just as the artists who choose Gemini are really free to express themselves.

    There is only one thing that Gemini claims: that the music is of higher quality.

  • Moodìntrigo



    Live Music

    The Moodìntrigo experience the possibilities of electronics without excluding instrumental performance and improvisation with jazz flavor, a genre that is personal and difficult to define full of a dark, deep, and tenacious sound.
  • Nel Gioco del Jazz, Bari, Apulia, Italy

    Nel Gioco del Jazz, Bari, Apulia, Italy

    Nel Gioco del Jazz [ Into Jazz Game ]

     Cultural Musical Association

     “Nel Gioco del Jazz” [ Into Jazz Game ], an association that, with a bit of ambition and arrogance, acts as a reference to “cultural and musical niche” for the city of Bari (Puglia, Italy), both for “mysterious, silent, forgotten “fans of the genre, for both” newbies “, which often receive mixed messages and vague on” sounds and images “instead so close to the man, spontaneous heart in their expressions and roots, since then also engage more reluctant. The masterly artistic direction of Maestro Roberto Ottaviano guide you along a path that we, in the projects and aspirations, will allow many to know and appreciate a particular musical culture, young people to approach the Jazz through a freer way of expressing emotions, feelings and most intimate messages through a universal language understood by all.

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